For seven years we have struggled for a political solution that could remove the eviction threat against Ungdomshuset. These efforts have been in vain.
We are still trying to find a peacefull way to save the house but their is not much to hope for. Though the politicians has spoken a lot they have not done anything. The right wing christian sect whom the politicians gave our house is refusing to sell. In stead the have asked for permission to tear it down.
From just about everywhere there have been statements of support. From local citizens to revolutionary political groups abroad. Dansish labour unions, artists, mucisians and many more have spoken in our favor. We are very greatfull for this support. But so far it has not had an effect on the leadership of the Church that is cruisading against us. They still push for war.
We are still hoping and working for a political solution but from December 14th the question is no longer if we are going to be attacked by the police in an eviction attempt. From that day on it will be a question of when we are attacked.
This is why we are calling all the friends of Ungdomshuset to come to Copenhagen from the 13th of December. Activities are planned untill December 17th but you are welcome to stay longer. We need you.
Hope to see you here!