E.2.T. Booking proudly presets:
Disposable are a thrash / crossover / groove metal band from Edinburgh, Scotland. Since 2014, Disposable have released their debut album “At the Foot of the World” and EP “Life Misguided”. The new album “Suffocator” will be released on April 20th 2019. Blending sounds from old school thrash and crossover with modern, melodic groove, Disposable take the dark and twisted side of things to create a positive, energetic live show. With over 100 shows in the U.K, Disposable have an experienced, gut punching live set to satisfy the needs of all who love heavy music!
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1b-xgzBrcM
Mess Up Your DNA first ever hit the stage in 2013. For the following years playing local club shows was enough, but now it’s time to release the MUYDNA to the world. Mess Up Your DNA became the relief of expressions that we cant set free. We need this. MUYDNA (DEBUT ALBUM 2019) MUYDNA is not meant to lead the future. This album is a reflection of our musical approach, the influences we have and the way we made to get to this point. This is our start. It is the foundation we will build on.
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FONdAYp5BTE
killjoy.ch - 450m above sea level a band meets in the Zurich underground where Jake, Max and Janic are musical Frankensteins combining divergent styles into a furious mix of music. East bay punk collides with the tectonic plates of 70-s rock and funk, forming edgy landscapes and manifesting into an earthquake of musical vibration that unleash the tsunami called... killjoy.
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sewImTq4W9w
Dr. Bær is a Progressive Metal band based in Freiburg, Germany. The band has an artistic style that is characterized by pairing genre-typical progressive metal elements such as odd times, drop-tuned instruments and unique song structures and applying them to contrasting combinations of genres such as Blues Rock and World Music.